3D Images
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* This software is copyrighted as noted below. It may be freely copied,
* modified, and redistributed, provided that the copyright notice is
* preserved on all copies.
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* it is provided solely "as is". Bug reports or fixes may be sent
* to the author, who may or may not act on them as he desires.
* You may not include this software in a program or other software product
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* rle.h - Global declarations for Utah Raster Toolkit RLE programs.
* Author: Todd W. Fuqua
* Computer Science Dept.
* University of Utah
* Date: Sun Jul 29 1984
* Copyright (c) 1984 Todd W. Fuqua
* $Id: rle.h,v 3.0 90/08/03 15:19:43 spencer Exp $
#ifndef RLE_H
#define RLE_H
#include <stdio.h> /* Declare FILE. */
#ifdef c_plusplus
#ifndef CONST_DECL
#define CONST_DECL
enum rle_dispatch {
/* ****************************************************************
* TAG( rle_pixel rle_map )
* Typedef for 8-bit (or less) pixel data.
* Typedef for 16-bit color map data.
typedef unsigned char rle_pixel;
typedef unsigned short rle_map;
* Defines for traditional channel numbers.
#define RLE_RED 0 /* Red channel traditionally here. */
#define RLE_GREEN 1 /* Green channel traditionally here. */
#define RLE_BLUE 2 /* Blue channel traditionally here. */
#define RLE_ALPHA -1 /* Alpha channel here. */
* Return values from rle_get_setup.
#define RLE_SUCCESS 0
#define RLE_NOT_RLE -1
#define RLE_NO_SPACE -2
#define RLE_EMPTY -3
#define RLE_EOF -4
* TAG( rle_hdr )
* Definition of header structure used by RLE routines.
#ifndef c_plusplus
typedef struct rle_hdr rle_hdr;
struct rle_hdr {
enum rle_dispatch dispatch; /* Type of file to create. */
int ncolors, /* Number of color channels. */
*bg_color, /* Pointer to bg color vector. */
alpha, /* If !0, save alpha channel. */
background, /* 0->just save all pixels, */
/* 1->overlay, 2->clear to bg first. */
xmin, /* Lower X bound (left.) */
xmax, /* Upper X bound (right.) */
ymin, /* Lower Y bound (bottom.) */
ymax, /* Upper Y bound (top.) */
ncmap, /* Number of color channels in color map. */
/* Map only saved if != 0. */
cmaplen; /* Log2 of color map length. */
rle_map *cmap; /* Pointer to color map array. */
CONST_DECL char **comments; /* Pointer to array of pointers to comments. */
FILE *rle_file; /* Input or output file. */
* Bit map of channels to read/save. Indexed by (channel mod 256).
* Alpha channel sets bit 255.
* Indexing (0 <= c <= 255):
* bits[c/8] & (1 << (c%8))
#define RLE_SET_BIT(glob,bit) \
((glob).bits[((bit)&0xff)/8] |= (1<<((bit)&0x7)))
#define RLE_CLR_BIT(glob,bit) \
((glob).bits[((bit)&0xff)/8] &= ~(1<<((bit)&0x7)))
#define RLE_BIT(glob,bit) \
((glob).bits[((bit)&0xff)/8] & (1<<((bit)&0x7)))
char bits[256/8];
* Local storage for rle_getrow & rle_putrow.
* rle_getrow has
* scan_y int current Y scanline.
* vert_skip int number of lines to skip.
* rle_putrow has
* nblank int number of blank lines.
* brun short(*)[2] Array of background runs.
* fileptr long Position in output file.
union {
struct {
int scan_y,
char is_eof, /* Set when EOF or EofOp encountered. */
is_seek; /* If true, can seek input file. */
} get;
struct {
int nblank;
short (*brun)[2];
long fileptr;
} put;
} priv;
* TAG( rle_dflt_hdr )
* Global variable with possibly useful default values.
extern rle_hdr rle_dflt_hdr;
/* Declare RLE library routines. */
/* From rle_getrow.c */
* TAG( rle_debug )
* Turn RLE debugging on or off.
extern void rle_debug( int on_off );
* TAG( rle_get_error )
* Print an error message based on the error code returned by
* rle_get_setup.
extern int rle_get_error( int code,
CONST_DECL char *pgmname,
CONST_DECL char *fname );
* TAG( rle_get_setup )
extern int rle_get_setup( rle_hdr *the_hdr );
* TAG( rle_get_setup_ok )
* Call rle_get_setup. If it returns an error code, call
* rle_get_error to print the error message, then exit with the error
* code.
extern void rle_get_setup_ok( rle_hdr *the_hdr,
CONST_DECL char *prog_name,
CONST_DECL char *file_name);
* TAG( rle_getrow )
* Read a scanline worth of data from an RLE file.
extern int rle_getrow( rle_hdr * the_hdr,
rle_pixel * scanline[] );
/* From rle_getskip.c */
* TAG( rle_getskip )
* Skip a scanline, return the number of the next one.
extern unsigned int rle_getskip( rle_hdr *the_hdr );
/* From rle_putrow.c. */
* TAG( rgb_to_bw )
* Converts RGB data to gray data via the NTSC Y transform.
extern void rgb_to_bw( rle_pixel *red_row,
rle_pixel *green_row,
rle_pixel *blue_row,
rle_pixel *bw_row,
int rowlen );
* TAG( rle_puteof )
* Write an End-of-image opcode to the RLE file.
extern void rle_puteof( rle_hdr *the_hdr );
* TAG( rle_putrow )
* Write a scanline of data to the RLE file.
extern void rle_putrow( rle_pixel *rows[], int rowlen, rle_hdr *the_hdr );
* TAG( rle_put_init )
* Initialize header for output, but don't write it to the file.
extern void rle_put_init( rle_hdr * the_hdr );
* TAG( rle_put_setup )
* Write header information to a new RLE image file.
extern void rle_put_setup( rle_hdr * the_hdr );
* TAG( rle_skiprow )
* Skip nrow scanlines in the output file.
extern void rle_skiprow( rle_hdr *the_hdr, int nrow );
/* From rle_cp.c */
* TAG( rle_cp )
* Copy image data from input to output with minimal interpretation.
extern void rle_cp( rle_hdr *in_hdr, rle_hdr *out_hdr );
/* From rle_row_alc.c. */
* TAG( rle_row_alloc )
* Allocate scanline memory for use by rle_getrow.
extern int rle_row_alloc( rle_hdr * the_hdr,
rle_pixel *** scanp );
* TAG( rle_row_free )
* Free the above.
extern void rle_row_free( rle_hdr *the_hdr, rle_pixel **scanp );
/* From buildmap.c. */
* buildmap - build a more usable colormap from data in the_hdr struct.
extern rle_pixel **buildmap( rle_hdr *the_hdr,
int minmap,
double orig_gamma,
double new_gamma );
/* From rle_getcom.c. */
* TAG( rle_getcom )
* Get a specific comment from the image comments.
extern char * rle_getcom( CONST_DECL char * name, rle_hdr * the_hdr );
/* From rle_putcom.c. */
* TAG( rle_delcom )
* Delete a specific comment from the image comments.
extern CONST_DECL char *
rle_delcom( CONST_DECL char * name, rle_hdr * the_hdr );
* TAG( rle_putcom )
* Put (or replace) a comment into the image comments.
extern CONST_DECL char *
rle_putcom( CONST_DECL char * value, rle_hdr * the_hdr );
/* From dither.c. */
* TAG( bwdithermap )
* Create a color map for ordered dithering in grays.
extern void bwdithermap( int levels, double gamma, int bwmap[],
int divN[256], int modN[256], int magic[16][16] );
* TAG( ditherbw )
* Dither a gray-scale value.
extern int ditherbw( int x, int y, int val,
int divN[256], int modN[256], int magic[16][16] );
* TAG( dithergb )
* Dither a color value.
extern int dithergb( int x, int y, int r, int g, int b,
int divN[256], int modN[256], int magic[16][16] );
* TAG( dithermap )
* Create a color map for ordered dithering in color.
extern void dithermap( int levels, double gamma, int rgbmap[][3],
int divN[256], int modN[256], int magic[16][16] );
* TAG( make_square )
* Make a 16x16 magic square for ordered dithering.
extern void make_square( double N, int divN[256], int modN[256],
int magic[16][16] );
/* From float_to_exp.c. */
* TAG( float_to_exp )
* Convert a list of floating point numbers to "exp" format.
extern void float_to_exp( int count, float * floats, rle_pixel * pixels );
/* From rle_open_f.c. */
* TAG( rle_open_f )
* Open an input/output file with default.
extern FILE *
rle_open_f( CONST_DECL char *prog_name,
CONST_DECL char *f_name,
CONST_DECL char *mode );
* TAG( rle_open_f_noexit )
* Open an input/output file with default.
extern FILE *
rle_open_f_noexit( CONST_DECL char *prog_name,
CONST_DECL char *f_name,
CONST_DECL char *mode );
/* From colorquant.c. */
* TAG( colorquant )
* Compute a colormap for quantizing an image to a limited set of colors.
extern int colorquant( rle_pixel *red, rle_pixel *green, rle_pixel *blue,
unsigned long pixels, rle_pixel *colormap[3],
int colors, int bits,
rle_pixel *rgbmap, int fast, int otherimages );
/* From rle_addhist.c. */
* TAG( rle_addhist )
* Append history information to the HISTORY comment.
extern void rle_addhist( char *argv[],
rle_hdr *in_hdr,
rle_hdr *out_hdr );
/* From cmd_name.c. */
* TAG( cmd_name )
* Extract command name from argv.
extern char *cmd_name( char **argv );
/* From scanargs.c. */
* TAG( scanargs )
* Scan command argument list and parse arguments.
extern int scanargs( int argc,
char **argv,
CONST_DECL char *format,
... );
/* From bstring.c. */
* TAG( bstring bzero )
* 'Byte string' functions.
extern void bzero( char *str, int count );
extern void bcopy( char *from, char *to, int count );
#else /* USE_PROTOTYPES */
/* Return value decls for "K&R" C. See above for full descriptions. */
/* From rle_getrow.c. */
extern void rle_debug();
extern int rle_get_error();
extern int rle_get_setup();
extern void rle_get_setup_ok();
extern int rle_getrow();
/* From rle_getskip.c */
extern unsigned int rle_getskip();
/* From rle_putrow.c. */
extern void rgb_to_bw();
extern void rle_puteof();
extern void rle_putrow();
extern void rle_put_init();
extern void rle_put_setup();
extern void rle_skiprow();
/* From rle_cp.c */
extern void rle_cp();
/* From rle_row_alc.c. */
extern int rle_row_alloc();
extern void rle_row_free();
/* From buildmap.c. */
extern rle_pixel **buildmap();
/* From rle_getcom.c. */
extern char *rle_getcom();
/* From rle_putcom.c. */
extern char *rle_delcom();
extern char *rle_putcom();
/* From dither.c. */
extern void bwdithermap();
extern int ditherbw();
extern int dithergb();
extern void dithermap();
extern void magic4x4();
extern void make_square();
/* From float_to_exp.c. */
extern void float_to_exp();
/* From rle_open_f.c. */
extern FILE *rle_open_f();
extern FILE *rle_open_f_noexit();
/* From colorquant.c. */
extern int colorquant();
/* From rle_addhist.c. */
extern void rle_addhist();
/* From cmd_name.c. */
extern char *cmd_name();
/* From scanargs.c. */
extern int scanargs();
/* From bstring.c. */
extern void bzero();
extern void bcopy();
#endif /* USE_PROTOTYPES */
#endif /* RLE_H */